Lord knows I've paid some dues gettin' through
yes. Första dagen uppe i Högbo. Väldigt slappt, men trevligt. Jag och Emelie bakade kakor och gjorde knäckebröd. Vi hann med kvart över två bussen hem, så det var skönt, men mindre skönt att Emil kastade en stor snökluva på mig så jag blev alldeles iskall. Sen fick jag gå hem från rese, det var inte heller kul. Iskallt ju! Nu ska jag ta o lägga mig i soffan med min bästa bok Lida av Stephen King, och såklart ska min älsklingsiri vara med! Får se vad som händer ikväll. pussssshej
Wild one wont you please come home
Youve been away too long, will you
We need you home, we need you near
Come back wild one will you
How can we live without your love
You know that could kill you
How can we carry on
When you are gone my wild one
So you go your way wild one
Ill try and follow
And if you change your mind
I will be waiting here for you tomorrow
For I would beg for you
I would steal and I would borrow
Id do anything, anything at all
To end this sorrow
Wild one
The gypsies warned of the danger
You can laugh and joke with friends
But dont you ever talk to strangers
Although their offers may be sweet
And Id bet and I would wager
Away youll stray and never come back
To those who love and made you
Wild one wont you please come home
Youve been away too long, will you
We need you home, we need you near
Come back wild one will you
How can we live without your love
You know that could kill you
How can we carry on
When you are gone my wild one
So you go your way wild one
Ill try and follow
And if you change your mind
I will be waiting here for you tomorrow
For I would beg for you
I would steal and I would borrow
Id do anything, anything at all
To end this sorrow
Wild one
The gypsies warned of the danger
You can laugh and joke with friends
But dont you ever talk to strangers
Although their offers may be sweet
And Id bet and I would wager
Away youll stray and never come back
To those who love and made you
Postat av: bruschan
bruschan bruschan bruschan !